Together/Insieme. Exhibition 1
Produced by ERPAC (Ente Regionale per il Patrimonio Culturale del Friuli Venezia Giulia)
Forum editrice
This book, deriving from the Together Project promoted by ERPAC (Ente Regionale per il Patrimonio del Friuli Venezia Giulia) and an important initiative for enhancing the region’s artistic system, documents works by artists selected by means of an initial mapping by the scientific committee composed of Lorenzo Michelli, curator and conservator at the Luigi Spazzapan Regional Contemporary Art Gallery, Vanja Strukelj, curator and art historian, Guido Comis, ERPAC Director of the Catalog, Promotion, and Regional Development Service, Andrea Bruciati, Director of the Villa Adriana and Villa d’Este Institute, Angelo Bertani, critic and art historian, and Riccardo Caldura, Professor at the Venice Academy of Fine Arts. These artists were unanimously selected by the scientific committee and conduct artistic research that is profoundly linked to current international trends but that also dialogs with the unique cultural and visual perspective of Friuli Venezia Giulia, a region that has always been a crossroad of culture, a location for dialog and interweaving of relations, where tradition and innovation meet and flourish.