2022 Archive

ARTEFIERA 2022: Awards

ARTEFIERA 2022: here it is, at last, in Bologna from 13 to 15 May!

Some beautiful images from the Press Conference and the Opening of Arte Fiera 2022, taking place in Bologna, at BolognaFiere, from 13 to 15 May! This is its 45th edition, the 3rd under the Artistic Direction of Simone Menegoi.

ARTEFIERA: chiusa la 45a edizione, arrivederci al 2023

ARTEFIERA 2022 Main section: from Modern and Post-War art to contemporary research

Arte Fiera 2022 Main Section ranges from Modern and Post-War art, the Fair’s traditional strong points, to contemporary research, with significant emphasis on Italian art. It encourages monographic stands and curatorial proposals that focus on a 20th-century school, trend, or period.

ARTEFIERA 2022: Day 1

ARTEFIERA 2022: the Focus section

ARTEFIERA 2022: Photography and Moving Images

ARTEFIERA 2022: from its Vernissage, the very first images of #artefiera2022!

Some beautiful images from the Vernissage of Arte Fiera 2022, taking place in Bologna, at BolognaFiere, from 13 to 15 May! This is its 45th edition, the 3rd under the Artistic Direction of Simone Menegoi.

ARTEFIERA 2022: Pittura XXI

ARTEFIERA 2022: bis per Davide Ferri con Pittura XXI

ARTEFIERA 2022: Fotografia e immagini in movimento, il medium a 360 gradi

ARTEFIERA 2022: Performance, "Ai piedi del pane" by Luca Trevisani

ARTEFIERA 2022:Performance, Luca Trevisani

ARTEFIERA 2022: Performance, da Bergman a "Persona" di Muna Mussie

ARTEFIERA 2022: Performance, Mussie: "Mostriamo il peggio di noi"

ARTEFIERA 2022: Performance, Invernomuto e le sue ocarine

ARTEFIERA 2022: Performance, "Unisex"

ARTEFIERA 2022: Liliana Moro, "Rumore bianco"

ARTEFIERA 2022: Performance, Benassi porta "Unisex" nei bagni della fiera

ARTEFIERA 2022: Meneguzzo: "L'arte esatta? E' quella giusta"

ARTEFIERA 2022: Performance, Invernomuto dà il ritmo al Salone

ARTEFIERA 2022: Performance, Silvia Fanti svela "Oplà"

ARTEFIERA 2022: Day 2

ARTEFIERA 2022: Menegoi: "La parola d'ordine è ripresa"

ARTEFIERA 2022: Press conference for the presentation of the 45th edition

ARTEFIERA 2022: Bruzzone: "Ritorno in presenza in fiera e in città"