Trust for Contemporary Art

For the third year, the TRUST for Contemporary Art, founded by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna, Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna, and BolognaFiere in 2020, has earmarked funds to purchase works to be added to the permanent collection of MAMbo - Museo d’Arte Moderna di Bologna.

After the works by Riccardo Baruzzi, Eva Marisaldi, and Serena Vestrucci, acquired at the 2022 edition, and works by Micol Assaël and Lucia Marcucci in 2023, the TRUST for Contemporary Art will purchase works by Franco Vaccari (Modena, 1936) and Chiara Camoni (Piacenza, 1974) to be added to MAMbo’s collections.

The TRUST’s Public Collections Committee, composed of Sarah Cosulich, Chiara Parisi, and Claudio Spadoni, selected works by artists represented by galleries at Arte Fiera 2024, for a total investment of euro 30,000.

The TRUST for Contemporary Art, the first of its kind in Italy, created and manages a fund committed to contemporary art, with resources contributed by its three founders, by main donor Gruppo Unipol, and by supporting donor Emil Banca Credito Cooperativo.


The following works were acquired: Franco Vaccari, Photomatic d’Italia, 1973-74 (Mazzoli Gallery, Modena) and Chiara Camoni, Senza Titolo #15, 2023 (SpazioA, Pistoia).