Carla Accardi


Carla Accardi
Curated by Daniela Lancioni and Paola Bonani
With a critical anthology

Catalog of the anthological exhibition that Palazzo Esposizioni Roma dedicated to Carla Accardi (Trapani, 1924 - Rome, 2014) to celebrate the centenary of her birth. The exhibition, curated by Daniela Lancioni and Paola Bonani, was produced with the collaboration of the Accardi Sanfilippo Archive and the support of the Silvano Toti Foundation.

An artist of absolute importance, Carla Accardi was a key figure in Italian and international art for over half a century. Her painting, constantly redefined by means of radical choices, made significant contributions to the creation and development of new ways to understand works of art, including abstract art after the Second World War, informal art, environmental art, and feminist art, up to the renewed joy of ‘80s paintings and the large diptychs and triptychs of the ‘90s and 21st century.

The book is designed to be both the exhibition catalog and a reference for further study. It begins with plates of the exhibited works, followed by a text by Daniela Lancioni, “For Carla Accardi, notes on the works in this exhibit,” which presents a guided itinerary of the artist’s works. The second part of the book consists of a comprehensive anthology of critical writings on Accardi’s work from 1950 to her death, prefaced by Paola Bonani’s essay “Carla Accardi and the critics’ writings,” which provides an overview of the texts and illustrates major interpretive trends in recent years.

The 65 texts in the critical anthology include complete essays by Luca Massimo Barbero, Lorenzo Benedetti, Achille Bonito Oliva, Vanni Bramanti, Maurizio Calvesi, Giovanni Carandente, Germano Celant, Stefano Chiodi, Bruno Corà, Enrico Crispolti, Gillo Dorfles, Danilo Eccher, Maurizio Fagiolo Dell’Arco, Ida Gianelli, Udo Kultermann, Corrado Levi, Carla Lonzi, Toni Maraini, Daniele Pieroni, Pierre Restany, Annemarie Sauzeau Boetti, Michel Tapié, Giulio Turcato, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Lionello Venturi, Giorgio Verzotti, Marsa Volpi, Valentino Zeichen, and Adachiara Zevi.