Book Talk


Book Talk is Arte Fiera’s program of talks devoted exclusively to art books: a full calendar of events offering the public some of the most interesting recently published (or about to be published) Italian books. Now in its 4th edition, it presented catalogs of large exhibitions, artist monographs, theoretical essays, and art history texts.



12 noon
Together/Insieme. Exhibition 1 (Forum editrice, 2024)

Participants included: Andrea Bruciati (Director of Villa Adriana and Villa d’Este Institute), Riccardo Caldura (Professor at Venice Academy of Fine Arts), Guido Comis (ERPAC Director of Catalog, Promotion, and Regional Development Service), Lorenzo Michelli (curator and conservator at the Luigi Spazzapan Regional Contemporary Art Gallery), and Vanja Struckelj (curator and art historian). Moderator: Nicolas Ballario (journalist)



 1 PM
Annapaola Negri-Clementi (curated by), Economia dell’Arte. Mercato, diritto e trasformazione digitale (Egea, 2023)

Participants included: the author, Sabrina Bianchi (Director of Cultural Heritage, BPER Banca), Italo Carli (Head of ARTE Generali Italia), Bruno Paneghini (Chairman of Reti S.p.A. and the Ilenia and Bruno Paneghini Collection), and Chiara Paolino (Ph. D. Associate Professor of Organization Theory and HR Management, Academic Coordinator BA and MA in Arts Management at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore). Moderator: Riccarda Mandrini (Art Fairs Galleries and Art Collectors Representative)



 2 PM
Emilio Bordoli. Vita da collezionista (Allemandi, 2024) and X. Anna e Giorgio Fasol. Una vita da collezionisti (Dario Cimorelli Editore, 2024)

Participants included: Emilio Bordoli (collector), Giacinto Di Pietrantonio (critic, curator, author and host of RadioLibrArte for, Anna and Giorgio Fasol (collectors), Maria Rosa Sossai (Scientific Director of Participative Projects Department of Civic Museum of Castelbuono, Palermo), and Nicola Zanella (Cultural Manager)



3 PM
Carla Accardi (Quodilibet, 2024)

Participants included: Paola Bonani (Junior curator and editor at Azienda Speciale Palaexpo) and Daniela Lancioni (Senior curator at Azienda Speciale Palaexpo)


5 PM
Marie de Brugerolle, Post-Performance Future. Method/e (T&P Publishing, 2023)

Participants included: the author and Vincenzo Estremo (PhD Course Leader, NABA)

6 PM
Elena Re, MULTIPLI. Un viaggio nell’arte italiana

Participants included: the author and Enrica Acuto Jacobacci (Presidente and CEO Jacobacci & Partners)


12 noon
Antonella Huber, Io, mostro. Conforme / difforme: misure di realtà nella pratica espositiva (Mimesis, 2024)

Participants included: the author, Mario Lupano (historian and contemporary architecture critic) and Luca Lo Pinto (Artistic Director of MACRO)


1 PM
Aldo Tanchis, Bruno Munari (Corraini, 2024)

Participants included: the author and Lorenzo Balbi (Director of MAMbo - Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna)



2 PM
David Reimondo (Silvana Editoriale, 2024)

Participants included: the artist, Milovan Farronato (Independent curator and co-founder of Archivio Chiara Fumai, Milano – Bari), Francesca Interlenghi (Art critic and curator) and Federico Leoni (Professor at University of Verona)


3 PM
les cerises: fare libri

Participants included: Cecilia Canziani (curator and co-founder les cerises), Daniele Lupo (designer and co-founder les cerises), Marta Roberti (artist) and Martina Steckholtzer (artist)


Learn more

4 PM
AA.VV., Re-materialization of Language 1978 - 2022 (NERO, 2024) and AA.VV., Tomaso Binga. Euforia (Lenz press, 2023)

Participants included: Eva Fabbris (Director Museo Madre, Naples) and Cristiana Perrella (curator and art critic)



5 PM
Piero Guccione. Nato per la pittura (Allemandi, 2024)

Participants included: Guido Del Turco (journalist), Paola Guccione (Chairperson of the Piero Guccione Archive), Michele Gulinucci (Author and radio host), and Elena Pontiggia (Art critic and historian of Italian art, teacher of History of Contemporary Art at Accademia di Brera and at Politecnico di Milano, Chairperson of Kuratorium of VAF-Stiftung, Frankfurt)



6 PM
Flavio Favelli, NUOVA MIXAGE (bruno and Var Group)

Participants included: the artist, Giacomo Covacich (bruno), Davide Sarchioni (Curator VDA by Var Group), Roberto Pinto (teacher of History of Contemporary Art, University of Bologna), and Alessandro Tiezzi (Head of VDA by Var Group)

Learn more


12 noon

Andrea Fogli. 7 ATLANTI (Quodilibet, 2024)

Participants included: the artist, Stefano Chiodi (curator of the book and art historian and critic, teacher at Università Roma Tre), and Lorand Hegyi (art historian and critic)



1 PM
Ma sedendo e mirando. L'intruso (Vanillaedizioni, 2024)

Participants included: Luca Bertolo (artist), Enrico Camprini (independent curator) and Alessandro Zechini (Premio Licini by Fainplast curator)


2 PM
Lorenzo Balbi and Caterina Molteni (curated by), Facile Ironia. L'ironia nell'arte italiana tra XX e XXI secolo (Allemandi, 2025)

Participants included: the curators of the book and Filippo Bisagni (exhibition designer)


3 PM
Michele Guido, MUDFULNESS Terre a Dimora (Carta Bianca Editore, 2024) e Francesco Ardini, Nature Hasn’t Gone Anywhere (Carta Bianca Editore, 2024)

Participants included: the artists, Elena Bordignon (editor, ATPdiary) and Matteo Zauli (Director of Carlo Zauli Museum)


4 PM
Anni Novanta. Arti visive, moda e design (postmedia books, 2024) and Skank Bloc Bologna: Alternative Art Spaces since 1977 (Mousse, 2024) 

Participants included: Alessandra Acocella (Associate Professor, University of Parma), Roberto Pinto (teacher of History of Contemporary Art, University of Bologna), Valentina Rossi (art historian, curator and lecturer), and Francesco Spampinato (Full Professor of History of Contemporary Art and Coordinator of Master’s Degree in Visual Arts, Arts Department, University of Bologna)



5 PM
Performance: Adelaide Cioni

The artist talked about her book On Patterns (Mousse, 2023) with Ilaria Puri Purini (Andrew Heiskell Arts Director at American Academy, Rome)



6 PM
Sebastiano Impellizzeri. Tendono alla chiarezza le cose oscure (Progetto Parallelo, 2024)

Participants included: Vincenzo Estremo (NABA PhD Course Leader), Silvia Griglio (President of Associazione Progetto Parallelo) e Simona Squadrito (Art critic, curator and teacher)