In Conversazione



Among many other things, 2020 was a year of remote conversations: unable to travel (at times not even within our own city) we spoke with our loved-ones, friends, and colleagues by means of a myriad of apps, platforms, and programmes. So, for PLAYLIST, it makes sense that the series of talks that Flash Art produced for the last two editions of Arte Fiera has transformed into a video programme presenting remote conversations between their participants: not only art critics but – in the inclusive spirit of PLAYLIST – figures from contemporary culture in general. The conversations focused on a number of subjects that came up last year and, starting from these, they consider future scenarios. There has been a discussion of the intellectual legacy of Germano Celant (d. 2020) with Luca Cerizza, Eva Fabbris and Italo Rota, moderated by Andrea Viliani; of the increasingly close link between art and fashion with Gea Politi and the designers Giulia and Camilla Venturini of the Medea brand; of post-Covid scenarios with Stefano Boeri and Emanuele Coccia, moderated by Cristiano Seganfreddo; and lastly of display, a concept that unites numerous disciplines, with Anna Franceschini and Alessandro Bava, moderated by Vincenzo di Rosa.

Vetrinology: il display e il vedere contemporaneo 
by Thursday 21 January 2021 - 14:30

Partendo dal concetto di display nelle arti visive la conversazione muoverà dal numero tematico “Vetrinology”, un neologismo ...


Fra critica militante e curatela: un omaggio a Germano Celant
by Friday 22 January 2021 - 14:30

A quasi un anno dalla scomparsa del critico e curatore Germano Celant (1940–2020) dedichiamo questo panel alla rilettura del suo approccio ...


Paradigme. Visioni sulla moda contemporanea
by Saturday 23 January 2021 - 14:30

Una conversazione con le gemelle Venturini sull’imprevedibilità nella moda contemporanea e sul nuovo concetto di community. Il ...


“The new normal/Una nuova normalità”
by Sunday 24 January 2021 - 14:30
