Cesare Pietroiusti


Artworks that ideas can buy

31 January - 1+2+3 February
opening hours
HALL 25 - stand B25

Artworks (in exchange for ideas) by:

Maria Thereza Alves L'olivia mai nativo, qui 

Massimo Bartolini Pin on nail

Ludovica Carbotta Philip Skin (02) 

Adam Chodzko Before we begin... 2019 [Accretor no. 11] 

Francesco De Grandi Fulmicotone 

Michele Di Stefano Instruction series V : T.C.I. 

Sam Durant Bloomberg Businessweek, April 11-17, 2011 

Jimmie Durham Senza titolo 

Emilio Fantin Un'ora con Fantin 

Roberto Fassone Useless 

Valentina Furian Appunti per una performance 

Margherita Morgantin TYPICAL SINE WAVE 

Caterina Morigi All'eternar le opere 

Giancarlo Norese Wohnen in einer Verspätung 

Luigi Presicce Da Monte del Cranio a Ponte Milvio in battaglia 

Ana Prvacki Hand Pollination Glove  

Aldo Spinelli 20 lettere colorate 

Alessandra Spranzi Stanze #33 

Luca Trevisani Henri Matisse meets Amedeo Modigliani and Mario Ciaramitaro in a sandy Acapulco 

Serena Vestrucci La sfera quando diventa piatta 

Cesare Viel Perdiamoci nelle nostre frasi 

Luca Vitone Guarda, la luna! 

Concept: Cesare Pietroiusti

Artworks that ideas can buy is an exhibition in a booth, very much like all the others in the fair, in which about 20 artists of different generations and poetic styles each display an artwork. But the creations are not on sale in exchange for money but for ideas. Visitors can leave their comments, opinions, proposals, criticism or suggestions regarding any of the works on show. Then, as happens in some auctions, the ideas, still in closed envelopes, will be put into a box and opened only at the end of the fair. The artists/authors will decide whether any of the ideas put forward by visitors  is ”worth” their piece of art. If so, the artist will except the exchange and the visitor will become the owner of the work. If, on the other hand, the artist decides that no idea is up to his/her work, it will not change hands.



Born in Rome in 1955, visual artist Cesare Pietroiusti has founded and coordinated many research centres, projects and conferences on art. Trained as a psychiatrist, Pietroiusti has always been interested in paradoxical or apparently irrational situations commonly considered “too insignificant to become the basis for analysis or representation”.
