
Marino Golinelli, founder and Honorary President of Alfasigma and the Golinelli Foundation, and his wife Paola share a love of contemporary art. Collectors and “researchers”, they see the artworks in their possession as tools for deciphering the world, keys to a fundamental interpretation of reality.

I have opted – and Paola agrees – for Pierre Huyghe’s exhibition entitled UUmwelt that we visited in October at the Serpentine Galleries when we were in London as usual for the Frieze Art Fair. UUmwelt is the latest project of Huyghe, one of the most important conceptual artists in the world today. I am particularly fascinated by the exhibition’s immersive ecosystem: walls covered with sand and the dust of paint from previous exhibits, huge LED-walls reproducing images of the human mind and showing the activity of a human brain, and the attempt to represent our neural network with images that change in response to external factors and the reactions of individuals in the space. It’s a truly innovative project showing the visionary perspective of Huyghe’s art at its best.

We follow the Serpentine’s exhibition programme very closely. The focus of the last few seasons has been on technology and artificial intelligence. The exhibitions of Sondra Perry and Ian Cheng looked at the very same themes the Golinelli Foundation investigated with its series of training meetings at the new Arts and Sciences Centre. Two examples are: “Democracy in the Age of the Internet” with Pierre Levy, and more recently, “Perception, Art, Time” with Lamberto Maffei, who looked how the artistic creative act has been investigated in recent decades from a neuroscience perspective.

Pierre Huyghe: UUmwelt, Installation view, Serpentine Gallery, London, (3 October 2018 – 10 February 2019). Copyright Ola Rindal. Courtesy of the artist and Serpentine Galleries